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Meeting Notes 10/5/2021

Felton Library Friends Leadership Team Meeting Notes

October 5, 2021, 4:30-6:00

Felton Library Community Room

Desired Outcomes

  1. Strengthen relationships among members

  2. Shared understanding of current/future FLF, Library and FSCPL activities

  3. Agreement on value of written reports

  4. Agreement on structure of Leadership Team

  5. Ideas for Integrating other interested FLF people into LT meetings

Present: Attending: Jenn, Judi, Val (via Zoom), Donna, Michele, Moana, Nancy, Kirsten, Jackie

Facilitator: Judi Sherman

Notetaker: Michele

WELCOME. Members talked about feelings about having our first hybrid meeting at the Community Room.



New website

Consensus is that it’s beautiful! Mary Andersen was appreciated for her design work. Val, Nancy and Michele will meet regularly to update.

  • Home page: Adding a link to library events on Home page was suggested.

  • About page: Jenn will redo the Org Chart with arrows for interconnections

Effectiveness of Written Reports on agenda

We’ll continue this practice. It works best if members read beforehand and come prepared with thoughts and questions.

Proposal on Leadership Team structure

  • We discussed a proposed change (by Executive Committee) to the original structure. Unchanged positions: Executive Committee, Team representatives, organizational representatives (LAC and FSCPL).

  • Previous change: Donor Relations Team disbanded. Cindi and Donna became At-Large Community Representatives, and members of Events Team.

  • Proposed change: no formal Parent or Schools rep. Add the members in these positions to the At-Large Community Representatives on the LT list. Rationale: there are several parents and school club members (SLVE Bobcat Club) on the LT, any of whom will advocate for FLF.

  • Discussion: Continuing to identify a Schools rep would make the point of contact clear. Would this person be the contact for any SLV school? We decided to continue this discussion at the next meeting.

LT meeting open to anyone interested

  • SCPL policy is to publicize meetings in the Community Room as open to the public.

  • For the newsletter:Any and all interested friends of the library and park are considered members of FLF and are invited to the next meeting on November 2 at 4:30 in the Community Room. Mask and social distancing will be required.

  • The Executive Committee will plan the November agenda to include a brief orientation and on-boarding opportunities for new people.

Volunteers needed: Michele will follow up with Events Team via email

  • Saturday November 9

    • 11 a.m until 2 at the latest. Prepare food to go for end of Dia de los Muertos program

    • 2-5 Serve refreshment packets to people leaving the event.

  • Thank you basket for Felton staff for dealing with the book cart: shop for, prepare and present to Angie. Budget $75.

  • GLOW panels reception and possible silent auction some Sunday in November.

Possible change of meeting day in 2022 Nancy will do a Doodle poll before our next meeting.

Next meeting Tuesday November 2, 4:30-6, Felton Library Community Room

Agenda building:

  • Brief orientation and on-boarding opportunities for new people.

  • Continue discussion of LT position

  • Question for discussion of SCPL Strategic Plan

  • Meeting time possibilities for 2022


Library Advisory Commission: Jenn

  • LAC formed a subcommittee for the input to the SCPL Strategic Planning process. Jenn will be on the subcommittee.

    • Discussion: Jenn will bring a question to the November 2 FLF meeting to spark comments on the process.

  • We are beginning to review SCPL Policies and discussed policies 101, 102, and 103 (pgs. 15-28.) No major changes were made to these policies. We plan to go through 3

policies per LAC meeting, so you can review policies 104-107 to see if you have


  • Great presentation by Sarah Harbison on the Library’s Collection. We discussed how

the library managed the collection during the pandemic and saw a big rise in e-books.

We are looking into ways to increase availability of e-books, they are more expensive.

The library is taking pandemic learning to discover the best strategy for maintaining the

collection and adding the latest and most popular items.

  • Discussion: Nancy asked if titles purchased as e-books will also be available in hard copy. Jenn will find out.

  • Contract to build the new “green” Downtown Library was awarded to Jayson


Felton Library: Jackie

Upcoming Special Events

  • October 23 2-4 p.m.Tarot program for Teens 12-18

  • October 9th from 2-5, FLF will sponsor Ensamble Folklorico Colibri, celebrating LatinX Heritage Month and LGBTQ History Month through dance and discussion. A small exhibit of Folklorico costumes and light refreshments will be funded by a grant program that Jackie Danziger secured from Cal Humanities: Exploring New Ways of Engaging Immigrant Communities through Public Humanities Programming.

Ongoing Events

  • Knitting at the library. Mondays 12:30-2 p.m. All you need to do is bring some yarn and knitting needles. All ages are welcome.

  • .In-person tech help appointments Mondays 2-4 p.m Staff will help you troubleshoot your issue with a 30 minute appointment. Make an appointment here, at the library's information desk or call 831-427-7713.

  • Toddler Time Wednesdays, 11 a.m on the patio with Librarian Julie on our beautiful

  • Preschool StorytimeThursdays, 11 a.m. on the patio with Librarian Jackie.

  • Reading in the Redwoods book group meets monthly on the 4th Wednesday at 6:00 pm in the Community Room

  • Advisory Council of Teens Sunday, November 14, 2-4 p.m. Second meeting of the ongoing (ACT), open to all SLV young adults, ages 12-18. The main focus is to advise the library on young adult services, including programs, events, spaces, and policies.

FSCPL: Michele

The FSCPL Board will have its first quarterly in-person meeting in the Felton Library Community Room on Tuesday, October 19, 5-6:30 p.m. Nancy will welcome them and talk a bit about FLF. Please join us if possible to meet the board of our umbrella nonprofit.

Treasurer’s report: Michele

  • Account Balances

    • FLF account with FSCPL as of August 30: $66,628.11

    • Community Foundation Agency Flex Account as of September 27: $107,581.02

  • Wild Roots Community Day brought in $1,608.86

Park Team: Nancy

  • The Park Team had a successful workday on Oct. 2 from 9-11. We had 14 volunteers from SLV Rotary, SLVHS Rotary Interact, and FLF folks. If you haven’t been to the park recently, stop by for a stroll.

    • Discussion: Donna asked if anyone can join a first Saturday workday 9-11--YES!

  • If all goes well with the library’s laminator, we hope to mount a new storybook walk sometime this month.

Communications Team: Valerie/Nancy/Michele

  • Website

    • Ongoing updates being applied. We’ll look at About page that includes mission and values

  • Newsletter

    • October upcoming

    • Information in the monthly newsletter could be more comprehensive for the upcoming month if the monthly FLF Leadership Team meeting shifted to the end of the month.

Events Team: Diane/Michele

Felton Farmers Market 9/14

  • Thanks to Donna, Gaylynn and Moana, as well as Janis O’Driscoll, FSCPL Board President.

Wild Roots Market Community Day 9/23

  • Thanks to Judi, Gaylynn, Moana, Nancy, Jenn and Marilyn for talking to so many people about FLF, the library and park.

Author Talk, 9/28: Dr. Traci Bliss, Big Basin Redwood Forest:

Traci, a native Santa Cruzian, gave an inspiring lecture on the local, citizen-lead action to create both Big Basin and Henry Cowell parks. The leadership of the effort is extremely personal, as Traci’s great-great aunt and Bruce McPherson’s relatives were key to the preservation effort. Bruce also attended the lecture, co-sponsored by the library, FLF and the SLV Museum. Thanks to Michele and Nancy for hosting the book sales table: FLF received 15% of sales.

Community-Led Learning (CLL) Team: Judi

The meeting to convene the Coordinating Team on October 8, 2021 will be rescheduled. The focus will be to clarify roles for library staff, Felton Friends, and community members interested in offering classes and/or activities We expect this to be the meeting that (finally) launches the Felton branch CLL.


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