Felton Library Friends Meeting Minutes
February 24, 2023, 3:30-4:45
Felton Library Community Room
Facilitator: Jenn Mount Notetaker: Diane McCormick
Attendees: Jenn, Diane, Michele, Marilyn, Timothy Lydgate, Moana, Beth A., (missing: Val and Nancy)
Welcome and introductions. Timothy Lydgate introduced himself as a Felton resident interested in the library.
Opening Question: One thing that makes you feel hopeful.
The Library World
Library Advisory Commission Jenn
No new mtg, so no new report.
What’s happening in the system and at the Felton Branch?
Full library during power outages this week. Vibrant experience!
How can we stay open after hours for students do homework?
Need solar! Building is solar ready.
In times of crisis, are there options for expanded staffing? Storm support - how to expand staffing during these times.
What is our action as FLF to move the community resource center forward. (Michele/Nancy to discuss with Yolande)
FSCPL/Board Retreat Jenn
- Strategic Planning process. Looking to the future. Notes have not yet been distributed.
- Work plans have been asked for.
- Goals (generally):
- How does the organization function / structure.
- Creare a long-term financial plan.
- How do we build community engagement (Michele’s add)
FLF Reports
Treasurer’s report Michele
- Want to do a fall community day at Wild Roots.
- Shift report to quarterly - Substantial funds. Next report April
Park Team Nancy
- General updates: Nancy - new id markers.
- Nancy/Michele met with Parks. No new hire yet. Kathy noted programming for the spring camp - for Quail Hollow.
- Internship for the Garden (Marilyn)
- Could we have a garden trained internship. Perhaps with the unhoused? Event program manager contact from Marilyn.
Improvements team Diane
Difficult to schedule meeting times
Laura W is facilities manager. Worked at all the items, but the shelving.
Michele to recontact.
Funded some staff requests: Sound system, Podium. New standing white board. Sandwich boards for programming support.
Jenn - got feedback from her tween contacts:
More comfortable chairs
Having posters of popular books.
Art Supplies. ( not currently available)
Jenn- please ask about lighting.
Community-led Learning Nancy
- Tech needs to be more robust support on Zoom
- People are interested in hybrid meeting options.
- Can the CLL team look at hybrid options (How can the ‘Owl’ work – get a demo?)
- Pilot - Timothy offered conflict resolution class. See Jackie for submission form.
- Website does have info on Community-led Learning
‘Our Community Reads’ event February 25. Refreshments/set up Diane
- Set up team please come at 1:30
- Tia will set up the laptop with Jim.
- We can’t open the doordpsmtomthe children’s area
- Library has the registrants.
- Diane to find out about Passport. Stamp!
- Registrants are having seating first.
- Marilyn to be the MC
- Also to share the statement
- Marilyn to get list for sign up emails.
Meet with SV and BC friends again?
- SV - Childrens Book Sale in spring. Look to
- Michele to contact for future mtg.
Author talk in April- All would like to do this- Michele to connect
- ‘For Fork’s Sake’ - maybe around earth day - April 20
Ideas on how to proceed on list of 2023 goals ( Note, these items not discussed Feb 24)
Book Walk Moana?
Business Network - Community Based Program Jenn?
Grow Leadership Team, Exploring new members All
Teen Room complete Diane, Michele, Nancy
Discovery Park filled out in some of the undeveloped areas Park team
Quail Hollow Ranch / Felton Discovery Park - programming coordination Nancy
Another Art Program to pull the community into the building Nancy
Next steps
Next meeting. March 24
Park Team report : At the end of January, a group of 5 volunteers managed to do some weeding and transplanting. Plus, our youngest member (6 years old) helped attach tree ID markers! We’ve asked Parks to install fresh gravel in the popular gravel pit and to install new fescue under the shade awning. We’ll see. After hearing that there might be a new park interpreter (thank you Donna), I reached out to Kathy de Wild at Parks regarding adding some free programming to our park. We’ll see.
We could really use more volunteers. We have a small core but need more. Spread the word! Next work party is Saturday, March 4 from 9-11. It goes by fast and it’s a good thing to do for the park!
Community-led Learning:
Art:Currently a Travel Sketching workshop with Carolyn Fitz, is taking place on two Wednesdays
Environment: Water talk by Gail Mahood, seed starting by Renee Shepard, and a dahlia workshop by Karla DeLong of Beeline blooms
History: Talks in May will be held in the library community room in conjunction with the Santa Cruz County History Fair at the Community Hall
Any ideas you have for people who would like to share their knowledge with the community are welcomed.