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Meeting Notes 7-27-2022


Felton Library Friends works toward the following mission:

  • ​Identify and support the library, park, and community-led programming and services

  • ​Collaborate with community organizations, Santa Cruz Public Libraries, Santa Cruz County Parks, and the San Lorenzo Valley Water District on agreed-upon projects

  • ​Advocate for the needs of the library and park

  • ​Fundraise for identified needs not covered in library or park operational or capital budgets

Felton Library Friends Mtg Notes

July 27, 2022, 4:00-5:30

Felton Library Community Room

Goals of Meeting

  1. Strengthen relationships among members

  2. Shared understanding of current/future FLF, Library and FSCPL activities

  3. Discuss endorsement request. Vote later by email.

  4. Vote on expenditure for CLL art supplies

Facilitator: Jenn Notetaker: Diane


Jenn, Marilyn, Nancy, Diane, Moana, Michele, Laura, Donna, Karri Gunn.

Welcome and introductions.

Question: What are some things our Chapter has done recently that you feel good about?

The Library World

Library Advisory Commission Jenn

-New library Staffing model (Eric). Reducing oncall and temp position. Combining PT to make FT position. Felton expected to get 1-2 additional FTE positions.

  • LAC - endorsed the library downtown project.

  • Reviewing hours – all branches to open at 10am

    • Library You-Tube. Go to YouTube and search SC Library – all meetings pop up.

  • Garfield Park opening super!

  • Scotts Valley - Aug 6 opening

  • New service - Digital Navigators: Assistance for patrons. state funding).

What’s happening at the Felton Branch? Laura, Interim Manager

  • Love to showcase new children’s books. Check out book bins

  • Considering shifting some intro collection

  • Consider involvement in the Teen Room project

  • Question:

    • Subject labels, Can we consider them for Felton

      • Organize through the improvements team and coordinate with administration

FLF Teams Reports

Communications: Moana will format and send out August newsletter

Parks: Tools have been purchased for the park! Storage in bike locker is a consideration.

Events Team

  • Community Day at Wild Roots - Sept 27 (Tuesday) Michele will have sign up in August

    • Bring the book sale cart!

Community-led Learning (Free programs and open to all. Can not ask for donations)

  • Nancy:

    • Former Librarian from SLE - teaching book making (online sign up 12 slots)

    • Stacy M. - Printing making workshop in October

    • Marilyn Robinson and Nancy - Collage workshop (with poetry) - November

    • FLF -Adult art cart going to be supplied in the closet (with full supplies)

    • Honorariums - Is this something that we support?

      • Considerations:

        • FLF provide supplies

        • Give funds?

    • Do we need to update our list of potential presenters? Maybe after we get started.

Ad-hoc Improvements Team

  • Carpet update--Diane is working on the order

  • Furniture update-Will get upholstery samples for couches

Treasurer’s quarterly report: Michele

FLF account with FSCPL

  • Starting balance 2021: $65,586

  • Starting balance 2022: $82,334 (addition of $16,747 in 2021)

  • Current balance: $83,882.72

Book cart sales $ $2,907 July 2021-July 2022

Community Foundation fund balance: $92.158 6/30/22

FLF discussion

  • Presentation on Correctional Centers Libraries by Jesse Silva (to FLF)

    1. Jesse will let us know if she can make a Sept FLF mtg.

  • Other ideas for presentations or visitors to FLF mtgs

    1. Brainstorm with SV and BC

  • Meeting with BC and SV Friends: questions to discuss (no discussion)

  • Opening Question: what’s personally satisfying to you about being part of your chapter?

  • Discussion ideas:

    • What are some things your chapter has done recently that you feel good about?

    • What are some things your chapter is hoping to accomplish in the near future? Long-term goals?

    • What are some challenges your chapter faces?

  • Chapter relationships: Branch Manager, Librarian(s), FSCPL--what's working well, are there any challenges?

  • Are you thinking of inviting speakers to your meetings and/or your branch?

  • Can we think of any ways our N. Co. chapters might collaborate?

  • Vote on expenditures for art supplies for CLL (Nancy)

    1. Art cart supplies for CLL. Stacy created a budget.

    2. Asking for $1000 fund.

    3. Can we order local? Nancy to research.

    4. Motion to approve ~1k for art supplies for Community-led Learning programs, to be stored at the library. Nancy,. Donna, second.

      1. All approved.

  • Request from Friends of Santa Cruz Libraries. Request for endorsement by ‘Santa Cruz for Real Solutions’: to be voted on by email.

This group opposes the Our Downtown Our Future (ODOF) ballot initiative for renovating the current library building rather than going ahead with the new library mixed-use project.

Santa Cruz for Real Solutions has requested that each of the Friends chapters join the Friends of Santa Cruz Public Libraries in endorsing their position. They suggest the following language, which mirrors the FSCPL endorsement:

"Felton LIbrary Friends (FLF) supports the vision of a new library and affordable housing project for downtown Santa Cruz, developed with extensive public engagement and repeated City Council approval. FLF opposes the ODOF initiative and ballot measure to freeze our downtown in place, and you can add Felton Library Friends, a chapter of Friends of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries to your growing list of opponents.”

Background Resources:

City of Santa Cruz website has the new Library mixed use project description with links to plans for the library, affordable housing, child care center and parking garage.

Our Downtown, Our Future website supports the November ballot initiative opposing the library mixed use project, with links to plans for renovated library.

Next steps

Next meeting. 4th Wednesday of the month, August 24 at 4 p.m.

Agenda building: Discussion with N. County Chapters; Wild Roots Community Day;

Land acknowledgment statement for opening meeting

Attachments: Agenda, June notes, Park report


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