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Meeting Notes 6/1/2021

Felton Library Friends Leadership Team Meeting Notes June 1, 2021

Member in attendance: Nancy Gerdt, Kirstin Hill, Valerie Haff, Jenn Mount, Cindy Sekkel, Michele Mosher

Members not in attendance: Diane McCormick, Judi Sherman, Moana Whipple, Donna Ziel

Visitors: Bruce Cotter, FSCPL E.D.

Desired Outcomes

  1. Strengthen relationships among members

  2. Shared understanding of current/future Library, FLF, and FSCPL activities

  3. Deliberation and agreement on proposals to enhance the library and park

Welcome, agenda review, and relational question: How is your rhythm of life changing?

Library Advisory Commission

Jenn attended her first meeting this month as the 5th District Commissioner. LIbrary Director Susan Nemitz will retire August 1 due to health concerns. Restoration of base level funding for library and service hours were approved. Staffing needs are the big challenge now. Strategic plan for SCPL will be developed over the next year, calling for a big vision of how libraries are transforming to meet current and future needs. Next LAC meeting is July 19.


On June 15th, when the state is “fully open”, the Library will be open with modifications, including: seating allowed; masks required; regular capacity limitations; no room booking; focus on virtual programming; virtual summer reading program. A return to normal operations is anticipated in September.

Programs: Felton Librarian Jackie Danziger will feature Juneteenth on June 16 and Pride Month on June 30 in her “Stories for Bedtime” at 7 pm. Pride & Library window and book displays will feature Juneteenth and Pride titles. The Summer Reading Program begins June 1. Kids, teens, and adults track their reading, complete activities, and earn raffle entries and prizes. All ages are invited to register here. For all the latest SCPL news, including virtual programs, visit the SCPL website.

FSCPL: Capital campaign focused on Branciforte, Garfield Park, and Aptos is still in the phase of meeting with potential major donors, then will go out to the community later.

FLF discussion

Values Statements: tabled to next meeting

Recommendation to reconstitute the Arts Team to choose exhibitors for display case and art walls. Nancy Gerdt will be the LT representative and worked with local artists Janet Silverglate and Jessica Vaughan chose the artists and mounted the current displays: photographs by Michael Kauert and the FLF display case exhibit by naturalist artist Maryjo Koch. Michele will send LT and Teams roster to all.

Selling used books on cart outside library

Nancy talked about book sale carts that FSCPL chapters are planning. Aptos is doing a successful pilot project for this. Cindy will float the idea in the community. Jenn asked if there is any additional outreach planned. We will put a description of the program in the June newsletter.

Little Free Library: The LT would like to accept the offer of a Little Free Library made by Harbor High students and potentially mounted near the Gushee Street entrance to the park. This program is sponsored by the Live Like Coco Foundation. Nancy will follow up on this and propose the idea to the Parks Dept.

Proposal for improvements in park: Michele motioned, Cindi seconded, that the Leadership Team approve FLF submitting proposals to SCC Parks Department for funding a shade structure over the children’s gravel digging pit and for improvements to the human sundial, with costs within the 2021 FLF $10,000 budget. The motion passed unanimously.

Parks staff has approved our research into these possibilities. MIchele will send the quotes to LT.

Shade structure: Three quotes, ranging from $5068 to $6600, were received for a permanently installed 14’ x 14’ single post cantilever shade structure. Custom Canopies in Santa Fe Springs, CA quoted $5068, including tax, shipping, and an $880 engineering fee, which would be needed if a permit is required (Parks would know this). We assume that Parks could install the structure.

Sundial: The Park Team would like the sundial to be both an attractive color and more usable by visitors, with three-letter abbreviations for months (e.g. Jul, Jun, Jan instead of J, J, J). Michele contacted four local concrete contractors, only one of whom was willing to do both a site visit and a bid. Whitlow Concrete would pressure wash and apply a base stain coat for color samples, which would be applied as needed. They would carve new letters for the month abbreviations and fill new and existing letters and numbers (this fill was requested by Parks). They would then apply top coats of stain and seal. Total for the project is $4,600.

FLF Team Reports

Treasurer’s report: Michele. As of April 30, FLF balance was $66,468. April expenses included $174 for Wix website.

Advocacy: Michele. Because of our letter to Supervisor McPherson, Public Works will install a crosswalk on Gushee near the library sometime this summer

Park team: Jenn. Next work party is June 5. Storybook Walk has been a successful pop-up. It will be coming down at the work party, with another planned for fall. Dan Lazarus is leaving his position as interpreter for the Parks Department. We’ll miss his good energy! Parks will hire a replacement in September.

Communications Team: Valerie. Nearing completion on the website, and then will be training on how to do our own edits and changes on the site.

Next step

Next meeting: August 3. We will take a break in July.

Agenda building: Complete Values Statement. Plan for a public FLF meeting in September?


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