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Meeting Notes 5/25/2022

Felton Library Friends Meeting Notes

May 25, 4:30-6:00

Desired Outcomes

  1. Strengthen relationships among members

  2. Shared understanding of current/future FLF, Library and FSCPL activities

  3. Vote on new FLF Leadership Team member at large

  4. Ideas for future speakers

Present: Lise Bixler, Bob Lewis, Marily Marzell, Nancy, Jenn, Donna, Diane, Michele, Val, Moana.

Facilitator: Jenn Notetaker: Michele

Welcome. People spoke to the question: What are you most looking forward to this summer?

The Library World

Library Advisory Commission: Jenn

  • At the April LAC meeting, the library director said that HR is working on increasing staffing. Equity and wages are a focus.

  • The LAC saw an inspiring presentation about Correctional Center Libraries.

  • The LAC will be the body to review and recommend approval of any special flags that fly at branches. Currently the Prgresive Pride flag is flying at all branches.

  • The LAC agenda needs a longer lead time in order for commissioners to solicit feedback from their communities.


  • Angie reported that a hire is in progress for a 20 hour/wk LAII for Felton.

  • SV staff will go back to the building in June, with opening projected in July.

    • Hours in Felton will be reduced when SV opens

    • The Study Room will be available to the public.

  • Felton Story time participation has increased--about 30 kids at last one.

  • Jackie reported on the Summer Reading program. Details will be available on the SCPL website soon.

  • Ivan said that ACT is coming up with ideas for programs. He has done outreach to Youth Action Network. There will be a series of gardening workshops for Teens and adults from August to September.

  • SCPL will be at Felton Remembers festival Saturday with activities..


  • Michele said that FSCPL board members were at the Boulder Creek opening, and that they met with Architect Abe Jayson in the Felton Community Room afterwards for a presentation on the plans for the Downtown Branch.

FLF Business

  • The Leadership Team voted to include Marilyn Marzell as a member at large

  • Felton Remembers ParadeJenn and neighbors will be in the . Any and all are welcome to join.

  • The Leadership Team voted to change FLF meeting start time to 4 pm beginning June 22

  • FLF Community Day at Wild Roots will be Tuesday, September 27

  • Pop-up tent to shade gravel pit area in park: Nancy reported that Parks has said that FLF could buy one. She will talk to Gaylynn about working on this. The first step will be to borrow one to put up and see how it fits in the area, possibly at the June 4 park work day.

FLF discussion

Possible speakers at FLF meetings.

  • Speakers would be publicized in advance in order to attract people to the meetings.

  • We should call all meetings FLF meetings rather than Leadership Team meetings. The LT will be called on for any issues that need a vote.

  • Ideas for speakers

    • Representatives from other Friends Chapters

    • Teachers on the relationship between the library, schools, students: maybe Janet Stahl from 1st grade, and ask to suggest a 3rd and 5th grade teacher also.

    • LIbrarians from SLE, SLVMS, SLVHS

    • Speaker on evolving definition of literacy in tech times

    • Correction Center Library program--Jesse Silva has powerpoint

    • Any other SCPL special programs?

    • Native Americans--Marilyn and Nancy will work on a statement for beginning of meetings. Lisa Robinson may have resources for speakers

  • Follow up: Communications Team will meet to discuss how to schedule and publicize, . The Events Team may also be involved..

Nancy went to a meeting of Aptos Friends involved in OCR. They would like involvement from FLF in choosing the five semi-finalist books in June and July. We’ll put a request in the newsletter.

FLF Team Reports

Improvements Team

The team consisting of Yolande, Laura, Angie, Jackie, Diane, Nancy, Michele is meeting monthly. The first improvement to the Teen Room will be new carpeting. We are looking at purchasing a large microscope with a display screen for the children’s area. We are in discussion regarding a possible display system for the Community Room. Any agreed-upon items that require changes to the county-owned building (such as the carpet) must be approved in advance by the county.

Events Team

Yolande Wilburn, new Director of Santa Cruz Public Libraries, spoke at a community gathering hosted by FLF in lieu of the regular meeting on April 27, attended by more than 40 people. During introductions, Yolande appreciated hearing about all the SLV community connections people have, and spoke about the value of community partnerships. After questions and answers, all gathered on the patio for refreshments and conversation. Here's the link for Yolande's talk


The Boulder Creek Library reopened on May 7th, Check out the redesigned spaces!

The Garfield Park Branch Library will celebrate its grand reopening Saturday, June 11,12 -4 p.m. Renovations of both branches were thanks to Measure S funding and private contributions.

Park Team

Members of the Park team met this month to put the final touches on the second storybook walk that will be mounted by FLF in FDP. A special thanks to Librarian Jackie for laminating the pages. The Keeper of Wild Words by Brooke Smith illustrations by Madeline Klopper, invite you into a tale of a young girl and her grandmother who go on a search outside for 'wild' words. After the Oxford Junior Dictionary removed 100 natural words from its pages because they felt these words were no longer relevant for today’s children, the author was inspired to write this book. You can watch a video reading of this book with an important message here.

Michele and Nancy were granted a meeting with 3 Parks employees in April regarding the sundial signage. After much discussion, it was decided that a sign explaining how the sundial works could be placed at the base of the sundial. The Parks team will be working with PPD multimedia on an industrial strength sticker. Thanks to Moana for leading the way on signage verbiage.

Once again our request for a shade structure over the children’s gravel pit was denied. We were, however, given permission to put one up ourselves! See discussion.

We’re one step closer to getting plant signs. The last step is to choose pollinator symbols. Thanks to Kirsten Hill for her work on this project.

Next steps

Next meeting: Wednesday, June 22, 4-5:30 pm

Agenda building: Felton movie license. Follow up on speakers.


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