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Meeting Notes 4/6/2021

FLF Meeting Notes: April 6, 2021

Felton Library Friends Steering Committee Agenda

Tuesday, April 6, 2021 4:00-5:30

Desired Outcomes

  1. Strengthen relationships among members

  2. Shared understanding of current/future Library and FSCPL activities

  3. A list of community outreach action aligned with a target audience

  4. Agreement on FLF values statement

In attendance: Nancy Gerdt, Michele Mosher, Judi Sherman, Kirsten Hill, Bruce Cotter, Jennifer Mount, Donna Ziel, Valerie Haff

4:00 Welcome. Question: What’s the buzz about things opening up?

4:20 The Library World

The Felton Branch: Computer lab services up; in Felton there is a monthly window display. In April, Steve Dondero Collection was contributed by family in his memory. Also poetry all month for National poetry month. Jackie holding bedtime stories. She wears her pajamas and brings Mr. Bear along. Also did some anti-bullying messaging. “Stories for Bedtime” are on YouTube on the SCPL library channel. Tandy Beal doing a flatbed truck popup circus performance: will be in Felton on May 1 at 11 a.m. All info will be in the newsletter.

The SCPL System/ Library Advisory Commission: Been 2 months since last LAC meeting; Susan discussed issues of moving between tiers; rehired several staff; passed issue about making the LAC more open to the public; information will be posted on the website. Will be working with Susan on long-range plan when all are available through staff is limited. Susan is feeling stressed from public pressure to open the libraries. Her concern is that staff haven’t been vaccinated yet. Also, the state librarian requires quarantine and how to manage books being touched. Had a finance training about funds held back by the JPA that aren’t going to the library. Susan working with JPA to release funds.

In the system-wide friends, the ED search produced several candidates, and the two chosen were not able to take the job or turned it down because of salary. Bruce has committed to 6-18 months as the ED, which was a solution that worked for all. He will resign from the LAC in this new position.

FSCPL/Boulder Creek Friends organization: Planning a meeting with the 2-3 people who hopefully will be the core. BC should open in September. The group will do some outreach for board members. Essie Barasso is the manager at BC

4:40 FLF discussion

Discuss changing name of this group from Steering Committee to Leadership Team

  • The word “team” is aligned with other teams in the FLF. Leadership is a word that can invite people to participate, rather than a “closed” committee.

  • All agreed to this change.

FLF Values:

NOTE: we will discuss this at the beginning of the May meeting.

Community Outreach: Next steps toward conducting Community Outreach: What/who is the target audience? What are some actions we can take (brainstorm)?

  • NOTE: decision to postpone this discussion to the next meeting and plan how to engage teams.

5:10 FLF Team Reports

Treasurer’s report: we began the year with $65,586 and are now at $66,690. We haven’t yet received the report from the Community Foundation on the FLF Flex Fund performance first quarter.

Park Team

We had a fantastic volunteer day at the Park. Michele suggested to rebrand the “work day” to a “garden work party”. We had 12-15 people. We have some mainstays who are coming regularly. Margaret from SC County Parks has oriented the whole FLF Parks Team to what volunteers can do. We’re developing understanding about who does what and forging relationships to understand roles.

Storybook Walk: A new county group called the long-term recovery group. The LTRG wellness committee is hosting an event called “Let Love Grow”, a resource fair at the Felton library. It will be staffed by the committee (Community Bridges, UW, and others). The Friends of County Parks will contribute labor and materials to the first FLF Storybook Walk. Along Gushee, there will be art reflection quotes from fire survivors. Event is May 8.

Will need volunteers for set up, and to be at the beginning and end of the story book walk at the two park entrances from 10-2. Will need 4 people from 9:45 – noon and from noon -2. Then 2 to help set up from 9-10 and 2 people to breakdown from 2-3.

Nancy will send out a sign up for volunteers to park volunteers and the Leadership team.

Nancy received the plant list for the park today from Kirsten Hill.

Events Team:

We’ve done community days at New Leaf and Wild Roots in the past. We are scheduled for September 23 and will be looking for volunteers to be at the table to talk about the library. We typically make about $1700.

Donor Relations Team:

We will meet as needed, so haven’t met recently. The acknowledgement of our major donors is in the newsletter. This month we featured the Community Foundation (Susan True) and next month we will feature Drew Mihalik and his generous donation in memory of and in honor of family members, thanks to Cindy Sekkel. Once the library is open, the team will consider having a reception for the major donors.

Communications Team:

Working on the new website redesign. Having a lot of working meetings and getting support from Mary Andersen. Focused on integration of Facebook and other websites. We’ve gotten through the main page and diving into the various website pages. We have the April newsletter coming up.

Next steps

Next meeting

Start the values at the first half of the next meeting; no question.

Outreach: focus on using breakout rooms by teams; maybe the teams should discuss outreach; invite each team to include on their agenda and come back to this group. Discuss at the May meeting and come back with ideas at the June meeting.

Can the teams write a brief report about their activity?


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