Felton Library Friends Meeting Notes
October 26, 2022, 4:00-5:30
Felton Library Community Room
Facilitator: Nancy Gerdt Notetaker: Diane McCormick
Attendees: Diane, Nancy, Michele, Moana, Donna. Library staff: Phil, Ivan
The Library World:
What’s happening in the system and at the Felton Branch? Phil and Ivan
Hiring for one FT and one .75 library assistant. Jackie and Phil will make a wish list of items for FLF to consider funding. Carpet is being installed in Teen Room, couches recovered.
FSCPL: Michele
Board has been asked to contribute funds for library programs
FLF Treasurer report: Michele
Leadership team reviewed the proposed 2023 FLF budget
Motion to pass as presented from Moana, Second from Marilyn
FLF contributions to Summer Reading, Homework Help, Adult programs will be made from from Community Foundation Funds held by SCPL
FLF Park Team: Nancy
Earth Stewards - 16 students worked in the park October 6.
Plant ID Markers arriving in Mid-November
New plants being planted at the next work day
FLF discussion
Fund Raising - Do we have a 2023 plan for fund raising?
Likely just individual donations, Wild Roots Community Day and book cart sales.
Planning on having Comm Fund. income to support library requests for funding programs and materials once returns stabilize
Reasons to fundraise further may emerge
Heidi Harris - interested in having a Park celebration May 2023. Could include library.
Rotary presentation 11/2 by Nancy and MIchele on Community-lead Learning
Land acknowledgment statement Marilyn
Would we want to consider using in meetings and developing a permanent installation for the library and park?
Review of proposed language paragraphs
Decided that Marilyn and Nancy will ask for feedback from tribe representatives.
Saturday Book Talk by KM Rice
- Jen to do the 10/29 Talk sales, Diane is a back up
- Phil has the cash bag and forms
Building our LT team - Targeting expanding leadership Everyone
Beth Algren / Marilyn
All to explore members
Request to send funds to No on O Michele
We will continue to abstain.
Our Community Reads book - ‘Mary Coin’ Nancy
We may propose doing Programming supporting OCR
Maybe a movie night
Next steps
Next meeting. November 30. Skip December.
Written report on Community-led Learning launch
The Community-led Learning Team has created this pilot program to invite knowledgeable volunteers from the community to develop and deliver activities and programs for adults in the areas of art, environmental sciences, and local history. This collaborative team is made up of FLF volunteers Nancy Gerdt and Michele Mosher; Librarians Jackie Danziger and Jessica Goodman; and Coordinators from SLV with expertise in the following areas 1) Art-Stacy Monowitz of 1440 Multiversity 2) Environmental Sciences-Chris Soriano of the Santa Cruz Natural History Museum 3) Local History-Lisa Robinson of the SLV Museum.
October/November classes
Art classes led by experienced volunteers will continue with printmaking in October and collage in November. The series on fire continued with a showing of MCT’s The CZU Fire in Their Own Words as well as a program on fire management. Thursday will be a program on fire recovery in our State parks.