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FLF Reports, 02-2022

FLF Agenda Reports for February, 2022

These reports are in lieu of a February meeting. Next regular meeting will be March 23, 2022 at 4:30 pm in the Felton Library Community Room.

Ad Hoc Library Improvements Team: Diane, Michele, Nancy

The ad hoc team compiled ideas for improvements from library senior and branch staff and the community. The compilation is here. Please add any other ideas you might have.

The team then met with library staff on January 12 to begin to plan for improvements, focusing on lighting needs in the Teen and Community Rooms. Read the meeting notes here.

We engaged a lighting consultant at $85/hour to recommend lighting improvements in the Teen and Community Rooms. New brighter bulbs in the white hanging fixtures in the Community Room are already a huge improvement. See notes here. The team will meet with library staff on March 2 to discuss next steps.

Library Advisory Commission: Jenn

  • Welcome to our new Director: Yolande Wilburn

  • Presentation on the progress and future of the mixed-use Downtown library

  • Presentation on the progress of the Library’s strategic plan

  • Staffing the libraries continues to be a challenge and may be addressed in the strategic plan

  • Strategic Planning Meeting on 2/10/22 about 30 participants with Library and community representatives present. Jenn Mount participated in the meeting. The group came up with specific action steps for the library to address in the strategic plan.

FSCPL: Michele

The FSCPL Board will meet with a facilitator on February 22 to discuss 2022 priorities for the organization.

Treasurer’s report: Michele

FLF account balances as of December 31, 2021:

FSCPL: $71,794.05

Community Foundation Flex Fund: $111,179.64


Park Team: Nancy

The Park team met Feb. 5 and groomed the beds. It’s clear we’ll have plenty to do every first Saturday of the month!

FLF is collaborating with Jay Ryan, an intern at Coastal Watershed, in removing invasives (blackberry, thistle, broom, etc.) from Bull Creek April 9th from 9-1. Jay is in charge of the project and hopes for 30 volunteers that day. FLF will be providing refreshments. He will be reaching out to the SLV community soon for volunteers. Save the date and tell your friends. If you would like to help organize refreshments, contact Nancy Gerdt.

Communications Team: Valerie

We’ve had success reaching out to the SLV School District regarding the library’s Homework Help program for students–principals have released information via parent newsletters, the district is posting the flier on the district community info webpage, and the SLVE Bobcat Club (parent club) is posting details on their Facebook page and will share info at their next meeting. Funds may be needed for printing hardcopies of the fliers for distribution to schools.

Moana and Val will meet later this month to share process details regarding monthly generation of the FLF newsletter in MailChimp (to ensure we have backup, if needed).

Events Team: Diane/Michele

Diane assembled and delivered a lovely Valentine’s treat basket for staff.

We will send an email to donors on February 22, celebrating the second birthday of the library and park and inviting them to a meeting with Library Director Wilburn.


“Libraries matter for the same reason parks matter. Because to blossom, human beings need public spaces that

enable play, freedom and social contact without any ties to consumption.” — Laila Jufresca

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Banner photo by Kristin Vincent. Additional photos throughout the website by Caitliin Atkinson and other contributors.

Felton Library Friends
P.O. Box 1245
Felton, CA  95018
831-427-7716 (messages)

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Felton Library Friends (FLF) is a chapter of the Friends of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

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