Felton Library Friends Meeting Minutes
February 28, 3:30-5, Felton Library Community Room
Facilitator: Nancy Notetaker: Diane
Welcome and introductions.
Julieann Bentley (new guest), Moana, Timothy, Michele, Nancy, Diane, Phil, Jackie, Marilyn, Donna
Opening Question: Bye Diane! What are some of the things we’ve appreciated about her in FLF?
The Library World
What’s happening in the system and at the Felton Branch? Phil and Jackie
System Updates:
Aptos Grand Reopening is being rescheduled and will probably occur on a Saturday in the first part of April, official date to come(possibly April 13th)...
Live Oak Annex opening is on hold, SEIU union put out a ‘cease & desist order’. This might be something that is put on-hold for a while…
After 6 years, the Veterans Information Center is closing @ the Downtown Library. We still have our partnership with Veterans Service that will provide programs & support.
New Director should be hired and starting in April, but they are still weeding through the candidates.
CMS has put together 20 STEM activity kits to begin circulating March 11th.
There will be 4 of each type: Snap Circuits (switches & circuits), Botley 2.0 Robots (coding), Magna Tiles (building & engineering), Kinex (levers & pulleys), and Microscopes. Each kit comes with a book as well. The kits are housed in plastic bins like the induction cooktop kits. Kits will float to Live Oak if there is not a request on it. They are in the catalog, but can't be requested yet..
At Felton:
Facilities & Staff
2 new Library Aides have started @ Felton this month
Drop ceiling hooks worked perfectly and the teens enjoyed being able to decorate their room
Wentzscope: we are aware that the pricing is going up after the end of March and will complete our research before that date.
The fireplace is still a work in progress, but our maintenance team will soon be getting a technician to work on all the fireplaces in the system
The Teen Room’s popularity is only growing as time goes on!
People continue to love the Seed Library, and are bringing in their own seeds!
Are working on informational brochure and hopefully we can get these up on the SCPL website once we are done
Arden has started to grow vegetables (tomatoes) in the patio gardening beds. Will help us have our own seeds to put in the seed library. Good example of growing from seed for people and can be used as visuals on SCPL website. Also working on Girl Scout connection.
On March 28th, 3-6pm, we will have a table in the lobby for the ReCoverCA Program - grants for homeowners affected by disasters.
Due to its popularity the Dignity Mobile Wellness clinic has doubled its visits per month to Felton and it is well-attended
Our 3 special storytimes & crafts this month were well-attended: Lunar New Year-41, Valentine’s Day-49, and Black History Month with Thais-32 (which was great for ski week!)
Mister Boom Boom's MusicPlayPatrol African Drum Circle was a huge success with 106 people in attendance
Family Matinee Movie Wednesday will feature Pixar’s Soul in honor of Black History Month had a small, but dedicated audience of 9 (ski week)
Our first Lego Friday Fun program was also a huge success with 73 people attending! Laura was busy the entire time!
41 People attended the Lifestyle Medicine Book Club with Dr. Lieb and I’m talking with him about doing more programs
Our Community Reads: Coffee Warms the heart was attended by 17 people and was tremendous fun
OCR Film Screening and Coffee Tasting was attended by 47 people!
Our Friday Tech Help with Thais starts on March 8th
Ping Pong Club: we have booked the community room and patio for every 1st Wednesday of the month from 3-5, starting on April 3rd. We wanted to confirm that this day and time work for Marilyn and Timothy before we put it on the public calendar and create a marketing request
Soul Collage with Peggy Black starts on March 2nd, running every 1st Saturday of the month
Women’s History Month Storytime on March 28th
Understanding Mountain Lions on March 30th
I’m working on having an ASL storytime in April, tbd
New For April: every second Saturday of the month, from 3-5, there will be a teen SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Alliance) program in the teen room. Description: SAGA creates a welcoming, safe, and inclusive space for teens of all gender identities and sexual orientations. We will have activities, snacks, and lots of fun. Bring your friends and meet new friends and allies!
New Parents’ Support Group with Beth Lilienthal and Hanne will start on Tuesday, April 2nd, 12:30-2, weekly
Bobcats Night: Jackie attended on February 13th, promoting the library and our services-8 met in person, 9 online. Jackie was able to connect with the Principal, Kim Ponza, who was very impressed by all that we do, and asked if she could have my powerpoint to share with the school. I had some new families come to our STEAM program who heard about it during the Bobcats meeting! There may be some other outreach events that I will be invited to soon. Stay tuned.
Park Celebration Plans
Heather N. said that she needed to approve the park celebration as a library program. She’s the one who will have to do the contracts for Banana Slug String Band and Happily Ever Laughter (fairies). I created a program proposal for her, so we await her approval! She is working on approval right now. I blocked off the Community Room that day in case we need it!
I need any and all information about any aspect of the celebration:
Performers you have spoken to and any quotes on cost
Tabling you intend to do
Any materials that need to be purchased
Food trucks
Any other details and costs
She said Happily Ever Laughter is tricky-they get paid up front, which is unusual. She had to put their performance on her card and then it took 2 months to get reimbursed.
FLF Reports
New Secretary confirmed - Val Nancy Improvements team Diane
Have John come and look for additional lights on the suspension system
Nancy suggested asking Laura W about removing dead branches in screens.
FLF would purchase new vine to refill.
Ping Pong Club moving ahead. 1st Wed of the month, 3-5pm. Start Apr 3.
If second table is located, need to buy a 2nd cover.
Paddles are in a tub in Phil’s office
OCR events at Felton All
Both went very well.
OCR Debrief mtg data - Mon, March 11, 10:30. Capitola Library
Library Speakers Consortium https://www.libraryc.org/
Thanks to Timothy for initiating this ask to SCPL.
Capitola Friends will provide $9,000 for first year
Maybe add upcoming speakers to FLF newsletter
Book donation Timothy
Paul Izor. donor met with Timothy. Glenn will get the box of books.
Send Land Acknowledgement language to Jackie (Nancy)
June 8 event - Branch Out!
Children’s performances, music groups confirmed, FLF table/activity/backpack volunteers?
Food report, Park report, Map for Parking lot and park
Jackie to determine mtg date with Heather (maybe 3/12, 11am)
FLF volunteers
FLF Booth - Moana graphics.
Donna can do tasks.
Marilyn on music
Nancy reviewed potential booths and projects.
Michele overview of music options. Target 4 groups, 45 minutes each. Marilyn will contact groups and Banana Slug String Band. Vicki Neville Coffis and Patti Maxine will do a program for kids.
Jackie: with Heather Norquist. Must be approved by her. Jackie has submitted outline. Library programs must be coordinated carefully.
Lots of details to be run through the library
Nancy suggests sharing specifics.
Michele suggests mtg with Heather to review in March. (Michele/Nancy with Jackie)
Consider not putting on the library calendar.
Next steps
Next meeting: March 27 - Wine after mtg with Diane