Felton Library Friends Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2023, 3:30-5, Felton Library Community Room
Facilitator: Moana & Timothy Notetaker: Diane
Attendees: Nancy, Diane, Beth, Timothy, Michele, Moana, Donna, Marilyn
Staff: Jackie, Laura
Welcome and introductions.
Opening Question: What’s one FLF accomplishment you feel especially good about?
The Library World
LAC: Nancy will be appointed for one year as 5th District representative.
What’s happening in the system and at the Felton Branch? Jackie / Laura `
System Updates:
A consultant, Teri Black and Company LLC, has been hired for the Library
Director recruitment
SCPL is hiring 11 new people for the system
Thais Hogarth 20hr LAII @ Felton
Arden Rosenthal 30hr LAII @ Felton
Odessa Cross 30hr LAII transfer to Downtown
Lizz Borbas is leaving Boulder Creek (we have hired a temporary replacement)
Aptos- tentative February opening
Live Oak Annex- no updates (unlikely that it will be open to the public before
February). There may be: a holds vending machine, wifi work area, collection, 3
study rooms. Not sure how it will be staffed, yet. There may be County Parks
staff, but there will have to be library staff, too.
Downtown Building Project- no updates
At Felton:
Holiday closures: December 24th, 25th, 31st, and January 1st
Tables in the Teen Room are here and look great!
ACT selected bean bag chairs (x2) for the Teen Room and an order has been placed as of last week!
While gaining LAIIs, we are losing most of our aides (they shelve and tidy) to promotion. So, we are looking forward to a new recruitment of aides for the library system early next year.
Our Seed Library is doing well, but we keep running out of seeds because it’s so
popular! Don’t worry, Laura B. is processing more :)
Nancy & Michele proposed they would do some outreach to seed
We are looking into getting an additional Mobile Health Clinic visit per month
starting in the new year, as the program has been quite successful. We even
received a glowing patron testimonial praising the program.
Native American Heritage Month “Special Preschool Storytime and Craft” was a
success with 45 people in attendance.
Journal Your Way to NaNoWriMo Success with Doug Morris was a great success
with 13 writers in attendance (I hope to do more programs with Doug-he is a
dream to work with)
CLL’s New Lives for Old Books was a success with 13 crafters in attendance
24 people came to our screening of Matilda for our Family Movie Matinee in
We had an average of 30 attendees for our Make & Explore STEAM program last
month-the Circuit Turkeys were a hit! We have more simple circuits to explore for
he winter holidays as well as cinnamon salt dough ornaments
Youth Programs (with the exception of ACT) will take a program break after next
week, and will return on January 11 th .
Our Community Ofrenda display and program was popular and filled with
touching sentiments this year, once again
17 attendees for our CreateAbility Hour program for adults with developmental
differences. We made leaf rubbings for fall and we will do cinnamon salt Dough
ornaments this month
Our FAFSA program was well attended by 24 adults / teens
ACT is increasing its numbers with 5 people attending last month in addition to
other regular members who were unable to attend
Laura B. regularly gets a full roster for her 1-on-1 Tech Help program. We are the
only library in the north that has this program, now
Soul Collage finished up its series of 3 events on December 2nd. It was a hit and
we are talking about making it a monthly program.
On the 14th, Laura B. and I will do a special Winter Solstice Storytime (followed
by a winter craft), celebrating the winter holidays and the scientific event, itself
Staff/FLF discussion items:
Connections with schools.
Becca Rubin. Head of the Bobcat Club at SLE.
Michele emailed her,Librarian and Principal
Requested Jackie attend a BC mtg.
Librarian would value having brochures.
Michele to resend contact email.
Library Card drive for middle schools?
SV video of LC drive.
Jackie to make outreach to BC club member and librarian
Diane and Michele to make master list of school contacts
Holiday gift baskets for staff - ideas?
Savory snacks
Wine and nonalcoholic beverages
Staff count - 6
Diane to coordinate.
Target Wednesdays.
Lego Friday Fun day status
Place is reserved on Fridays.
Somewhat on hold, but Jackie will rekindle
Volunteers for movie matinees for adults, chess club, bridge club--shall we put out a request again in the newsletter?
Jackie would propose to target the existing programs.
Ping pong would be good.
Go ahead and recruit chess and bridge volunteers - wanting to confirm staffing support
Confirm program support:
Adults: Jackie has to run the leader through onboarding - background and finger programs adult programs only,but if a child comes along, okay)
A volunteer that is trained must be there.
Youth programs must be supervised by Jackie.
- Ping Pong - New cover needed. Paddles and balls coming from SV? Marilyn to contact and pick up from SV . Time slot needed. - Timothy and Marilyn
- Tai Chi - Will be restarting in the spring.
- Land Acknowledgement - Jackie to reconnect internally. But, likely to be in the park, so to be coordinated through Parks Dept.
LAC nomination Nancy
Nancy to fill Jen’s slot until April
In 2024, the commission will be reopened.
FLF Reports
Park Team-written report Nancy
- Proposal for additional play are
- FLF to prpost the tree cookies.
- Human nest and sundial - need work
- sundial, clean up graffiti.
- Improvements team--check out the first phase of lighting improvements in Teen Room
Community-led Learning Michele
Planning for the next 6 months
For programs that are not FLF. Individuals can do outreach direct to present programs.
The plan is to meet with Library leadership in June to gain approval of expanded programing.
Steve Leib, MD. The Blue Zone. interested in giving program thru CLL. Jackie will contact.
Marc Shargel presentation Jan 13 1:30-3:30. Volunteers for sales
Volunteers - Timothy, Donna, Nancy
MIchele to get a Square - maybe from Marilyn
Plan for large sales area
OCR event Wed, 2/21. 1:00-2:30. Volunteers to serve coffee Diane
The Monk of Mokha book
Mariyn on the coffee - Diane will call Marilyn and detail all.
Rowan will do all the tech program set up.
Jackie to do a display
Diane to check on registration, capacity? Who checks in? Intro, etc?
Movie is ‘A Small Section of the World’
- OCR - coffee art program. FLF will supply. Michele has contact with the art. Nancy can host.
Land acknowledgement plaque proposal Marilyn/Nancy,
Timothy is still interested in supplying plaque. Get mounting instructions etc.
New ‘walk’ to review locations. Sat 12:15, Dec 9.
Is there a name acknowledgement program? - Nancy to check.
Backpack proposal update Beth
Beth Working with former librarian
Suggestion: binoculars. Laminated. Sheet with intro., pencil zipper pack., ruler, magnifying glass. Pencils, sharpeners. Make a ‘paper’ book - nature journal. What would we want on the content? Tags on the bags - may be note with ‘lessons’.. One enclosure for all ages. Work on flip over for other ages or languages.
Maybe mail sack instead of backpacks. Could we print logos?
laminated cards from Michele?
Jackie did - LibraryYou Tube channel. Nature Journalling.
- Beth has been approved as a park volunteer. Will add our park to the database.
Ping pong program: Marilyn/Timothy. January is too soon to begin. Michele will email Marilyn the SV contacts for equipment
Events--meeting re park event. Future events TBD Michele
Park Appreciation
Meeting this Saturday on details.
Next steps
Social event at Michele’s - Jan 10. - 3:30-5pm.
Next meeting: January 24
Seed company donation requests
Lego Friday Fun day status
Land acknowledgement plaque proposal
Backpack proposal update
Park event
Attachments: October meeting notes, Nov. Park report