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FLF Meeting Notes 3-24-2023

Felton Library Friends Meeting Minutes

March 24, 2023, 3:30-4:45 pm

Felton Library Community Room

Facilitator: Nancy Gerdt Notetaker: Diane McCormick

Welcome and Introductions.

Timothy, Nancy, Michele, Marilyn, Beth, Phil, Donna, Diane, Jackie

Opening Question: Are you ready for less rain? YES!

The Library World

Library Advisory Commission - NA Jenn

What’s happening in the system and at the Felton Branch? Phil and/orJackie

- Be the Difference Awarfd from theVolunteer Center - Felton Library Friends

nominated for award by Parks--library to co-nominate.

- Branciforte - getting going with punch list.

- Felton - Sound-swell. June 16 or 24. Likely 3 bands and food truck event.

- Dignity HC Bus. They will come to Felton Library late April / May monthly 9-3.

- Teen Room. Door installation and hardware.

- Operations System turnover next Monday. All libraries closed.

- April 27. Closed system-wide. In-service day.

- Community-led Learning.

Author talk. Rachel Brown.

Women’s month event.

The Gibb Sisters/ Comics Development & graphic novels. Zoom presentation tomorrow. 1-2:30pm.

New hires: 2 generalist librarians for the system. Liz At BC, Jose at Branciforte .

Summer Book program.

Tom Noddy. Bubble Man.

Looking for additional funding for ‘People Ologie’. Jackie to research $ -Summer reading programs. $2.5k (allotted)

-Option for inter-generational program

FSCPL Michele

This week’s mtg delayed due to weather.

FLF Reports

Park Team Nancy

- April 1 - Park volunteer day (Park needs weeding)

- Need 6-8 people monthly

- Adopt a section of the park by group? Outreach to Rotary by Nancy

- Proposal: SC Homeless Garden project. Would we want to consider paid internship to provide support. Issue: we cannot hire staff to work in the parks (liability issues) Can Parks do the hiring? Maybe teen volunteers ‘Teen Advisory Council’ (Jackie)

Improvements Team Diane

Teen Room:

  • Shelving installation: In progress. Laura W is coordinating. Take a look at proposed units (open backs), blue tape areas in Teen Room show target locations.

    • Vote on the proposal. $6.1k + shipping.

      • Michele motion to provide shelving up to $10k. Donna second. Approved unanimously.

  • Seating: After the shelving installation, revisit seating needs. Jackie notes that teens would like low soft seating (bean bag chairs?)

  • Lighting: Ditto. After shelving, consider enhancements.

Emergency Power: Is it time to revisit with the solar installation and/or generator considerations?

  • Phil spoke with Yolande.

  • Building needs to be checked and finalize building construction funds left over.

  • Would grant money be available?

Community-led Learning Nancy

- Renee Shepherd seed starting class successful

Another art class being coordinated-Sumi-e painting.

- Issue with honorariums – checking with library if we can provide.

- Having difficulty finding teachers.

- Jackie suggests some informal marketing at the library branch

Carolyn Fitz is interested in calligraphy class. Jackie looking at library sponsored program.

Book Cart and Donations Nancy

Provide books to Nancy, Glen organizes the book cart

Action: Create book donation form/flyer for the desk to hand out (Nancy contact)


Meet with SV and BC Friends Wed, April 12 at 6:30pm--what would we like to discuss?


  • Artist Insurance.

  • Would SV like an FLF Storybook Walk for Skypark?

  • How are adult programs planned-Friends, librarians?

  • Collaborative programming at 3 branches (e.g. Triple P programs)

  • How did Tales to Tails volunteer get chosen for SV?

  • How are they using volunteers in the branch?

  • Honoraria guidelines from SCPL

  • Children’s manipulative toys-are they used at SV, BC?

  • How is ping pong table used at SV?

Author talks in March/April-

Derek Whaley’s train talk, Saturday, March 25, 2:45-4:00 pm

  • Timothy volunteered for the book sale.

For Fork’s Sake, Wednesday, April 19, 4:45-6:00 pm

  • Diane to sell on the April 19

Monthly meeting of Friends Chapter officers- see Chapter activities here

Story book walk in June All

  • Nancy to talk with Moana. Target June

  • Jackie to look for some titles

Earth Day All

  • Sat, April 22

  • Jackie is available that Saturday. Could there be acivities?

  • Consider the focus for 2024.

  • The Seed Library would be a great partner.(the Live Oak catalog is available!)

Next meeting April 28 (Diane away, Who can be the notetaker?)

Action items:

  • Adopt a section of the park by group? Outreach to Rotary by Nancy

  • Margaret re internship, possibility of paid park maintenance.

  • Flier at branch re volunteers for CLL and library sponsored programs-who will create?

  • Create book donation form/flyer for the desk to hand out (Nancy or FLF email contact)

  • Carolyn Fitz interested in calligraphy class. Jackie looking at library sponsored program.

  • Book Walk

    • Nancy to talk with Moana. Target June

    • Jackie to look for some titles

Ideas on how to proceed on list of 2023 goals All

  • Book Walk

    • Nancy to talk with Moana. Target June

    • Jackie to look for some titles

  • Business Network - Community Based Program

  • Grow Leadership Team, Exploring new members

  • Complete the Teen Room

  • Discovery Park filled out in some of the undeveloped areas

  • Quail Hollow Ranch / Felton Discovery Park - programming coordination

  • Another Art Program to pull the community into the building


“Libraries matter for the same reason parks matter. Because to blossom, human beings need public spaces that

enable play, freedom and social contact without any ties to consumption.” — Laila Jufresca

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Banner photo by Kristin Vincent. Additional photos throughout the website by Caitliin Atkinson and other contributors.

Felton Library Friends
P.O. Box 1245
Felton, CA  95018
831-427-7716 (messages)

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Felton Library Friends (FLF) is a chapter of the Friends of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

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