Felton Library Friends Meeting Notes
August 28, 3:30-5, Felton Library Community Room
Facilitator: Nancy Notetaker: Michele
Present: Marilyn Marzell, Sabine Westberg, Timothy Lydgate, Moana Whipple, Nancy Gerdt, Michele Mosher. Staff: Phil Boulton, Laamie Young
Welcome and introductions.
Opening Question: Do you have a recent favorite movie or series recommendation?
The Library World
Volunteer roles for the library: Laamsha Young, SCPL volunteer coordinator
Laamie is filling a position that has been vacant for years. She formerly worked at the old Felton Branch with Phil.
There are currently 120 active volunteers systemwide. Book Buddies are still needed to deliver books to homebound patrons.
Volunteers can’t be used for tasks that staff is paid to do, e.g. shelving books.
Volunteers who help librarians with library-sponsored children's programs need to be fingerprinted. Volunteers who run programs such as knitting or pingpong don’t need to be fingerprinted, nor does a librarian need to be present.
Laramie will publicize an opportunity for vounteers to join FLF.
System Updates: Phil
All libraries closed Monday September 2nd for Labor Day.
LINK+ is catching on for us. In the past month we lent 359 items from our collection and we borrowed 227 items from other libraries.
Fyi there are 70 libraries in this sharing system, 59 public & 11 academic libraries.
Looks like we are getting closer to the Live Oak Annex opening… it might be right at the end of October. But we all know how these opening dates go, so it might not!
At Felton:
Facilities & Staff
Laura W. has been looking into the Flume sign but as one can imagine she has been very occupied with the Annex opening/set-up, so it is a work in-progress.
You have probably seen new faces… Arden Rosenthal has increased into a 40hr LAII @ Felton, and Brent Johnson, who used to work at Felton as a Library Aide until last year, is the other new 40hr LAII. Our new 30hr LAII Ivy Marks is still helping to keep the doors of Garfield Park Library open before she joins us here.
Wentzscope - it has arrived!! It would have also been a lot of work to attach it to the Juvenile counter top and would have remained stationary there. So we realized the need for a rolling cart so it can be moved and used for programs. We are starting to look but as Jackie will utilize it the most I do want to wait for her input when she gets back from vacation.
We are still one of the busiest branches in the system as far as the # of programs offered, but now we have the highest overall attendance #’s of any branch.
SRP was yet again very popular and successful, it even saw an 8% increase in participation system wide.
Our final summer reading program performance on July 23rd, Zany Zoe, had 128 attendees.
Tales to Tails program is starting next month on September 17th 3-4pm and will occur on the third Tuesday of every month. We have 3 dogs and here are their exciting pictures!!
We have a Tenants' Rights 1-on-1 Counseling program. It starts up on Wednesday October 9th 3:30-5:30pm and occurs every other week. There are four 25 minute appointments per program and they can signed up for by calling us or coming in-person. It will be run by Ciera who is a Counselor Tenant Sanctuary.
Our New Parents’ Support Group has continued to be popular averaging 10-12 people every week.
The Heavy Lifting Listening Tour event this past Saturday had 55 people attend and was well received. Poetry and sharing about the fires we experienced 4 years ago.
All our children programs will return in September after our August break: Storytime (on 9/12), Make & Explore (on 9/12), Lego Fun,
FLF Announcements and Reports
Slides for Wentzscope: Nancy showed some slide pucks that she and her sister made. We are waiting for the Wentzscope to be available to make more.
CLL Home hardening tour, Wed, 9/18, 5-6:30. Timothy will volunteer.
Wild Roots Community Day, Wednesday, October 9- we need a few more sign ups
Our Community Reads donation. The Leadership Team approved a $500 donation.
Donation for Downtown Capital Campaign: a $5000 donation was approved
Park report. Nancy said that she is stepping down from the role of organizer of the work parties and communicator with Parks Dept. There will be a work party September 7. She and Michele will meet with the Parks volunteer coordinator and chief maintenance person on September 5 and report back at our next FLF meeting.
Ideas for CLL programs in coming year
Timothy would like to do a communications workshop, possibly a series. Marilyn said that Vickie Neville Coffis would like to do a children’s singing program. She will ask Patti Maxine about doing an adult sing-along.
Michele will share the program proposal form with them, and then discuss with Jackie whether these should be library or CLL programs.
Art in the library.
Timothy has joined the Art Curation Team with Jane Silverglate and Nancy.
There is currently no policy for selecting artists other than that they be from SLV. This is up for discussion by the team.
Phil will ask BC if they have had displays that might also come to Felton
Laamie is an artist and will give the team a list of possible artists to invite.
Marilyn wondered if work from the Createability group could be displayed-also work from other classes, such as bookbinding.
The display case has featured collections, not necessarily always art: bones, space toys, teeth.
Meeting with Library Director and Friends ED
Former donors and FLF Leadership Team will be invited to this meet-and-greet from 5-6 pm Wednesday September 25
This will take the place of our regularly scheduled meeting
FLF will provide sparkling cider and sparkling water, grapes, crackers, cheese and hummus. Marilyn and Timothy offered to shop at Wild Roots. Michele has paper goods.
We’ll ask if this will be RSVP in order to predict quantities.
Some members will set up at 4:30.
Everyone, please wear your FLF name badge to this.
Next meeting: September 25, 5-6: the meet-and-greet.
October 23, 3:30-5: regular meeting