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Meeting Notes 11/2/2021

FLF Mtg Notes Nov 2, 2021

Attendees: Monica Martinez, Lorraine Sintetos. Leadership Team (voting) members: Nancy, Michele, Diane, Moana, Donna, Valerie by Facetime

Recent PR: San Lorenzo Valley Post – Article in November issue on Felton Library and FLF

  1. Library Advisory Commission. Jenn. Next mtg Nov 15. They advise the JPB

  2. Felton Library events: see here

  3. Friends of the SC Library report – Capital campaign for shortcomings in capital campaign is nearing it’s million dollar goal

  4. FLF Org Chart - approved

    1. Anyone who loves the library is considered a Felton Library Friends

    2. Executive Committee is needed for FSCPL Chapter status: President, Secretary, Treasurer.

    3. Leadership Team has fiduciary responsibility to vote on budget and expenditures over $500

Discussion: Which branches have no Friends Chapters:

  1. Downtown

  2. Garfield Park

  3. Branciforte

  4. Live Oak

  5. Budget

Budget Approvals:

  1. 2022 FLF Budget – Donna motion, Moana second. All approved. Note Beginning balance for 2022, approximately $66,564

  2. Approve budget of $10,100 expenses from 2019 funds remaining – Diane motion, Moana second. All approved

FLF account with SCPL for funds remaining from 2019 $50,00 contributions.

The FLF Leadership Team voted to approve contributions from our Chapter to the SCPL requests to FSCPL for support in 2022. These contributions should come from the $31,000 remaining from $50,000 given to SCPL for Felton in 2019 to support programs and materials for 3 years, not from the FLF annual budget with FSCPL,

  • $2,500 to Summer Reading Program (towards SCPL request of FSCPL for $25,000). $2,500 is the annual SRP amount in the original budget for the $50,000 given.

  • $1,000 to hybrid programming infrastructure (towards total SCPL request of FSCPL of $7,890)

  • $100 to staff appreciation (toward total SCPL request of $700)

TOTAL: $3600

Going forward with this account, FLF will receive a quarterly accounting detailing our requests and disbursements. We still would like an accounting of the funds spent in 2019-20 for staff support, amounting to over $10,000.

For 2022 contributions to the Felon Branch from the remaining funds,

the Leadership team voted to budget for contributions to Branch programs and materials. The amounts budgeted are consistent with the original budget for the $50,000 given in 2019 for programs and materials for 3 years

The funds will not be expended until requested by Felton Librarian Jackie Danziger and approved by the Leadership Team.

  • Programs- up to-$2,500 in 2022 when requested

  • Materials: Up to $4,000 in 2022 when requested

  • TOTAL BUDGETED: $6,500

Grand total budgeted from remaining funds from 2019 contribution:


  1. GLOW Event:

  • Sunday, Nov 21, 1-3 pm, reception

  • Donations / contributions to take home a panel.

  • Stacey M – made the project by grants. Lenz donated the mat panels.

  • FLF donated the delta of about $400 to cover Stacy’s costs

  • PR – Stacy’s coordinating + FLF newsletter. FLF email blast.

  1. Community-Led Programming: We have volunteers to teach classes, we need a coordinator. Looking for volunteers for adult programming: arts program and environmental science Coordinators. Suggest insert for December newsletter.

  2. Book Sale: November 27 10 am to 4pm in the Community Room, All will be priced at $2, with the exception of a selection of more valuable gift books.Lorraine needs some time to coordinate Friday set up – Michele

  • We will be getting additional volunteers for Friday set up

    • Rotary, Interact Club hoping to participate

  1. Park Contributions

  • Plant expenditures: ~ $500

  • Approximately – 50 additional plants

  • Earth Stewards – alternative HS volunteer team from SC Museum of Natural History will come once a month, led by Chris Soriano.

  • Park question: Replacement of Park staff (Dan). Jaime Jimenez. Donna Z left him a message regarding moving forward on staff recruitment. (No email available). Look for joint force to look push on recruitment

  1. Communications Report – Newsletter for this month.

  2. Community-Led Learning (CLL) Team met recently and continued to work on procedures that are aligned with library policies

  3. Events

– Library Birthday - February 22, target Donor event

  • We want to start that planning in December.

  • Diane and Michele to coordinate

New meeting date:

  • Fourth Tuesday of the month.

  • January 25, next meeting – 4:30 – 6:00

  • Break for December 2021

Consider watching in person meeting attendance – do we want to have zoom meetings occasionally?

Consider new leadership team members.


“Libraries matter for the same reason parks matter. Because to blossom, human beings need public spaces that

enable play, freedom and social contact without any ties to consumption.” — Laila Jufresca

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Banner photo by Kristin Vincent. Additional photos throughout the website by Caitliin Atkinson and other contributors.

Felton Library Friends
P.O. Box 1245
Felton, CA  95018
831-427-7716 (messages)

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Felton Library Friends (FLF) is a chapter of the Friends of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

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