Felton Library Friends works toward the following mission:
Identify and support the library, park, and community-led programming and services
Collaborate with community organizations, Santa Cruz Public Libraries, Santa Cruz County Parks, and the San Lorenzo Valley Water District on agreed-upon projects
Advocate for the needs of the library and park
Fundraise for identified needs not covered in library or park operational or capital budgets
Felton Library Friends Special Meeting - Mtg Notes
August 24, 2022, 4:00-5:30
Felton Library Community Room
Goals of Meeting
Strengthen relationships among members in the north region
Shared understanding of current/future activities of each branch chapter
Facilitator: Nancy Notetaker: Diane
Welcome and introductions.
Opening Question: What’s personally satisfying to you about being part of your chapter?
Participants gave a variety of answers to this, many of which had to do with loving their library branch and community, and being involved with a group with similar interests.
Question about what the Library Advisory Commission does
Formerly, city managers and community members. Community members have been split off to meet and be the LAC and report to the Joint Powers Board.
The Commissioners should hear your comments. FLF meer Jenn Mount is our rep in the 5th District. jennmount29@gmail.com
Discussion questions
What are some things your chapter has done recently that you feel good about?
BC - great donor party
BC - grand reopening party
SV - Opening day great!
SV - successful new website.
SV - Art in the library – volunteers. Qtrly changes.
F - Newsletter has been really successful
F - Community lead learning pilot. Getting ready to launch in Sept
Teaching only 18 and older
Library doing all the children’s programming
All: How can we regain more children’s programming, need more than is happening?
F- Creating additional PR for CLL programs. Library calendar not accessed by all
F - Teen Room upgrades-working collaboratively with library staff.
What are some challenges your chapter faces?
Pace in which things get accomplished can be frustrating. How do others navigate the system?
Book Sales
All agree that the public greatly enjoys used book availability. The public also enjoys donating their books.
SV - formerly allowed donated books-two bags at desk
Big books sales in SV formerly raised $10k per year.
Looking for reinstating former policy
Friends have a shed for on site storage and sorting room
Bruce is looking to address the specific SV issue with Yolande
SV team to send contact data to Bruce Cotter.
Book carts at local businesses!
Felton - does have book cart
BC -
formerly did have book sales. No current space available for sales. Could there be a book cart?
Boulder Creek Library is short on book inventory, especially children’s books. Community disappointed.
SV can volunteer in their garden.
When are the MOUs coming? For community rooms in the libraries.
Insurance and city attorney issues!
What are some things your chapter is hoping to accomplish in the near future? Long-term goals?
SV - OCR - starting up! (working with Aptos / Denise)
SV - Getting our meetings back up and running in the library
BC - Just getting the Friends Group started!
Looking to develop programs.
BC - formerly Shakespeare to Go - redo the former program (associated with a UCSC class )
F - soon - art hanging system in Comm Room, teen room upgrade. Better wayfinding for books.
F - more frequent and regular programs for children
F - long term - collaboration with county parks, environmental education 1-2x per week - former vision through county parks employee. Ideas for children’s area expansion, Finish the improvement projects.
What are some ways you fundraise?
F - Success with the Wild Roots Community Day donations and book cart in the lobby.
SV and BC rely mostly on book sales
Chapter relationships with your Branch Manager, Librarian(s), FSCPL--what's working well, are there any challenges?
It sometimes seems that Library system is unclear on how to work with the Friends groups.
SV - looking to develop new relationships. Only 1 former staffer left.
BC - also has new staff.
F- experiencing continuous changing staff making it difficult to form relationships. Waiting for a permanent branch manager, hoping for one with SCPL experience.
Exciting that branches now have consistent hours, thanks to Yolande.
System wide friends - monthly mtg of chapter presidents. Good results and Yolande attends. Good place for intel exchange.
Are you thinking of inviting speakers to your meetings and/or your branch?
F-all are invited to hear Jesse Silva speak about SPCL Correctional Center activities at FL meeting 9/28.
Would like to draw different people to meetings who might become involved to grow the Leadership Team.
Ruth: Bay area book art group. Book making activities.They have interest in stronger relationships with libraries up the penninsula. Looking to share intel. Multi vendor events.
Ruth has interest in display and teaching
Ruth currently gives classes at the Ben Lomond Art Center
SV - formerly Friends group could sponsor classes.
Connect with vendors at the makers market- could be a resource for our Community-ledLearning
Can we think of any ways our N.Co. chapters might collaborate?
OCR collaboration
Consider bi-annual joint meetings.
Meet in SV in March - Roxanne to Coordinate
Discuss progress. Discuss what we use funds for/
Have a progressive library event with similar themes
Collaborate with resources
Teachers, speakers, etc.
What is Laura Whaley’s role? Facilities, but is she still involved in other kinds of decisions in the N. County Branches?
Eric Howard - FYI, Out for a few weeks.
FLF next meeting Sept. 28, 2022 4:00-5:30
Land acknowledgment statement for opening meeting
Presentation on SCPL’s Correctional Centers and Life Literacies Center programs and services by Jesse Silva, Adult Services Librarian.
Written report on Community-led Learning launch
Community-led Learning launches this month with art and environmental programs of, by, and for SLV community members. The Community-led Learning Team has created this pilot program to invite knowledgeable volunteers from the community to develop and deliver activities and programs for adults in the areas of art, environmental sciences, and local history. This collaborative team is made up of FLF volunteers Nancy Gerdt and Michele Mosher; Librarians Jackie Danziger and Jessica Goodman; and Coordinators from SLV with expertise in the following areas 1) Art-Stacy Monowitz of 1440 Multiversity 2) Environmental Sciences-Chris Soriano of the Santa Cruz Natural History Museum 3) Local History-Lisa Robinson of the SLV Museum.
Bookbinding- Make Your Own Book!. September 8, 15, 22, and 29, 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Community volunteer Beth Thomas works and teaches at her studio, Danskbog Bindery, in Ben Lomond. She will share the history of bookbinding, styles of bindings and the tools used for hand bookbinding. Over a series of four classes, you will complete a hard bound book with decorative covers, using the Coptic binding technique. No experience is necessary; materials will be supplied. Each week you will learn skills that lead up to the final project; attendance at all four classes is necessary. Group size is limited; more information and registration here.
Making Your Home More Fire-Safe. Thursday, September 22, 5-6:30 p.m. with Audrey Dawson of Felton Fire Protection District. Participants will gather on the library patio for a brief talk, then go to a home and property three blocks away for a demonstration of how to trend towards fire resistance as part of regular home maintenance. Group size is limited; more information and registration here.
Fall series classes
Art classes led by experienced volunteers will continue with printmaking in October and collage in November. The series on fire will continue with a showing of MCT’s The CZU Fire in Their Own Words as well as programs on fire management and fire recovery in our State parks.