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FLF Meeting Notes 6-28-23

Felton Library Friends Meeting Notes

June 28, 2023, 3:30-4:45

Felton Library Teen Room

Present: Moana, Donna, Michele, Marilyn, Beth, Jenn, Mark Ramsey

Facilitator: Jenn Mount Notetaker:

Library Advisory Commission:

Jenn reported on the presentation on the SCPL collection. She said that she will have to step down due to a scheduling conflict, and invited people to consider applying to be appointed by Supervisor McPherson.

Felton Branch - Following is the written report from Librarian Jackie Danziger on her meeting with Michele and Nancy 6/20.

Communication to FLF/ CLL committee regarding proposed programs (eg. gold mining, pumas).

  • Lisa Robinson and Jackie met with Aaron Pippin and Henry Burnett about upcoming Gold Mining program. Lisa and Aaron will be working together on a proposal.

    • CLL proposal Hard copy forms shall be scanned and shared with team members

    • If the library receives a proposal they want to move forward with, the library will work with relevant CLL coordinator, and then notify the team about the proposed program

    • No honoraria offered by CLL, in the future (presenters requesting one will go through the SCPL adult programs proposal process)

    • FLF has funds to offer SCPL adult programs (outside of CLL)

Possible acquisitions (ping pong table, outdoor table for manipulatives, furniture to display new children's books face out)

  • We need a ping pong program to justify us getting a ping pong table. SCV’s is mainly run by a volunteer, so we need a volunteer to run a Felton program.

    • Jackie will talk to Abraham about how this program is run at SV

    • A knowledgeable volunteer (e.g. someone who knows the rules and can lead the program) is needed

    • What ages will this be open to? If minors are present, a library staff member must be present, too, even if we have a fingerprinted volunteer

  • Phil and Jackie selected a display for new juvenile materials and shared their top pick with FLF.

  • This will be reviewed by Laura Whaley and Jackie will meet with her sometime in the coming week (she will review the piece for functionality and safety and she may have an even better suggestion for this furniture choice-we are awaiting her input)

    • Final decisions will be made when Phil returns and we shall share the finalized furniture selection with the FLF

Natural history table for children's area and/or patio

  • All-weather table (locking casters, in case we want to move it?)

  • Do we want it to be able to move inside in poor weather?

  • Drainage is a requirement for an all-weather table

  • Nancy thought we could use the manipulatives we already have (like the wooden tree blocks/building blocks), but Jackie wonders if they are weatherproof. We decided to take inventory of what manipulatives we have not put out (Jackie will do this), and Nancy will look into what all-weather items we can furnish the table with

  • Michele said that pine cones and other nature objects could be used

  • This should go to Laura W. to review, if we move forward with it

Shade in the courtyard

  • A shade sail like at Boulder Creek? Let’s discuss ideas and bring our findings to the Improvement Team.

    • Jackie will bring this up with Laura Whaley when they meet about the new juvenile materials display

    • A sail like the one at BC would have to have 3 strong anchoring points (BC has theirs taken down in the winter and then put back up for summer; SCV has a different system-may be worth looking at)

Watering of children's gardening beds

  • Staff, specifically Laura Blasingame, has been watering them regularly.

  • Girl Scouts have come by to do some maintenance

    • We discussed the possibility of turning on the water pump and leaving watering cans out for kids to water the garden this summer.

    • Proposed posted times of the pump being on: after Preschool Storytime and during Make & Explore

Movie nights

  • Family Movie Matinee Wednesdays began with a screening of the popular animated PG movie: Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse. 6/21 in partnership with the California Film and Cultural Center. For now, it is a pilot program. If it does well tomorrow, then Heather N. will approve it and we can make it monthly on every 3rd Wednesday and get program money for snacks. California Film and Cultural Center provides pristine DVDs and Blu Rays, a Blu-Ray player, and also provides fun facts surrounding the making of these films, and other extras for movie lovers.

    • Nancy has an idea about having an adult film series focussing on films that center on a small communities

    • Michele has an idea for a documentary film series for adults

backpacks for park - how to check out: Waiting to hear back about this topic, will let you know.

Children's coloring sheets - how to make more easily accessible

  • We have found that the best way to do this is to keep the coloring sheets at the front desk. It creates less waste of paper This also allows the children to suggest specific ones that we can print for them.

Programs: We passed around the July events flier at the meeting.


  • FLF and SV Friends are developing a collaborative relationship. SV borrowed last year’s FLF Storybook Walk to mount in their patio in June. They donated 20+ boxes of books to FLF for our cart following their big June booksale.

FLF Reports

  • Community-led Learning--Nancy and Michele reviewed some plans for fall

  • Improvements team- the sliding barn door in the Teen Room has been replaced to free up room for the new shelving, which is ready to be installed.


  • Backpacks for park update

    • Beth shared a list of ideas of what might be included.

    • We discussed the possibility of printed booklets so that any number of children in a group could have one.

    • We discussed how binoculars, magnifying glasses, etc. could be made available in backpacks or separately.

    • Beth will develop the proposal further before FLF presents it to staff.

  • Land acknowledgement plaque proposal

    • Marilyn will gather photos of actual plaques before our August meeting

    • The bridge leading to the park might be a possible place to install a plaque if Parks agrees.

  • Publicity for Felton Branch programs

    • We’ll invite Amanda Rotella from SCPL to our August meeting to discuss outreach to the community.

  • Process of inviting people to join the Leadership Team

    • Must first assess person’s interest. Michele will contact Timothy

  • July 26 get together

    • Michele will email to see if there is interest in getting together in her garden for wine and chatting in lieu of the meeting.

Next meeting Wednesday, August 23 Agenda building:

  • Brainstorming outreach to community re Felton Library events

  • Follow up with staff: ping pong table, children’s area book display, outdoor table, patio shade, coloring sheets

  • Look at sample land acknowledgment plaques

  • Discuss library materials for exploring Discovery Park


“Libraries matter for the same reason parks matter. Because to blossom, human beings need public spaces that

enable play, freedom and social contact without any ties to consumption.” — Laila Jufresca

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Banner photo by Kristin Vincent. Additional photos throughout the website by Caitliin Atkinson and other contributors.

Felton Library Friends
P.O. Box 1245
Felton, CA  95018
831-427-7716 (messages)

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Felton Library Friends (FLF) is a chapter of the Friends of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

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