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FLF MEeting Notes 08-23-2023

Felton Library Friends Meeting Notes

August 23, 2023, 3:30-5, Felton Library Community Room

Facilitator: Moana Whipple Notetaker: Diane McCormick

Welcome and introductions.

Attendees: Nancy, Michele, Moana, Timothy, Phil, Jackie, Donna, Diane

Opening Question: What’s one of your favorite summer fruits or vegetables?

The Library World

Library Advisory Commission

-Will probably need a replacement for Jenn. Attendee from Felton for October 2 mtg?

What’s happening in the system and at the Felton Branch? Phil and Jackie

System Updates:

  • Live Oak Annex there is still no date for opening; Aptos opening looks like November or December, but not official yet.

  • SCPL has moved to a policy of creating teen-only Teen Rooms, systemwide. Thanks to the generous donations of our Felton Friends, we have been able to create a warmer, more inviting space with the shelving and the teen collection inside the teen room. We have seen increased teen traffic in the room since the changes were made.

  • Gate count numbers & amount of programs for the system exceed Scotts Valley’s; we are no longer the “small” branch in the region—GO FELTON!!!


  • We knocked it out of the park as a system with 30% more readers than last year!

  • 1400 + children logged reading, 400 + teens and 1100 + adults logged reading this year, systemwide

  • Our grand prize winner, Lily Rhodes, won the bicycle. She was so happy that she won the bike, and our teen winner chose AirPods over the bike

At Felton:

  • Occupancy #’s for Felton (comm. room, teen room…) are all posted on placards in the library, now

  • Recruitment for 20hr Felton LAII is currently open

  • Jackie will soon be sending out her outreach emails to the school districts (teachers, school librarians, principals and more)

  • ACT had 0 attendees for July and August. Jackie intends to do outreach to help get the word out and wants to talk with high school principals about further incentivising attendance. Improvements meeting reWe are unlikely to get much teen input before the next Improvements Team meeting. Jackie is working with Scotts Valley librarians on outreach.

  • An ask: we would like to get more toys for a Stay & Play after storytime. We would really love to have some of these: They have trucks, boats, and planes made from recycled, BPA-free plastic and they are made in California. Jackie will ask Heather N. (Youth Services manager), first. If Proposal gets rejected, can FLF help?

  • Fireplace is almost fixed, PG&E has turned gas back on

  • The new umbrellas are working well on the patio

  • New juvenile books display had been ordered. The shipping date is August 30th

  • GLOW coming down

  • Dignity Mobile Wellness Clinic bus was a success!!

  • Tech. Help is already incredibly popular and we are happy to have it back, run by Laura B.

  • Matinee Movie Wednesday- we are playing Encanto in honor of Latine (Hispanic) Heritage Month which starts on September 15th and ends on October 15th

  • Last movie matinee we had 23 people attend for School of Rock! (12 in July, 17 in June)

  • There’s a lot of buzz around our CreateAbility Hour program. The launch had 7 people in attendance, and in July we had 11 people. We expect it to grow. Possibly moving the time to accommodate Hope Services clients

  • Make & Explore STEAM program and Storytime resume on the first Thursday of September

  • Tai Chi with Mary Mulligan has ended and may resume again in the new year.

  • Juggling with Kelly Robertson went well and was well-attended

  • Felton Discovery Park Nature Bag planning is underway!

Staff/FLF discussion items:


  • Follow up on possibility of library-sponsored, FLF funded adult classes/programs (e.e. calligraphy) and youth workshops/performances (e.g. NorCal bats)

    • Jackie to review with Heather. MIchele and Nancy to bring to Chapter representatives meeting.

  • Library card drive at SLVHS and/or SLVMS. Check at Chapter reps meeting on the system-wide commitment to these drives.

  • Volunteers for ping pong program, movie matinees for adults, chess club, bridge club?

    • Looking for community volunteers to help steer these programs.

    • Michele can include the request in the newsletter - interested parties to review with Phil/Jackie

Furnishings and equipment

  • Request to fund magazine display for children’s area - looking for floor model for west window wall. Under $200. Phil to include Michele in request to order.

  • Children’s book display furniture coming soon.

  • Children's coloring sheets - Suggest adding signage for parent that they are available at the desk..

  • Suggestion to install a suggestion box. They have not really been found useful. Attendees usually give feedback directly and it is offered on the website.

  • Jackie is turning on the water pump after Storytime and Make and Explore on Thursdays

FLF Reports

Treasurer’s report -quarterly Michele

  • Michele shared the overall hardcopy report

Park Team Nancy

  • Sept 2 next work day - maybe change because of Labor Day holiday

  • Had parks Director mtg. May use Felton native plantings as model for other parks, and train staff on care.

Improvements team Diane

  • Teen Room Lighting - step one explore status of current lighting

  • Bring proposal to Sept Improvements Team mtg.

Community-led Learning MIchele/Nancy

  • Six upcoming programs in September. See listing


  1. Meet with SV and BC October 25?--invite Amanda Rotella to discuss publicizing events?

    1. Collaborative meetings with system content. Michele will contact SV, BC and Amanda

  2. If we were to create a ‘Friends’ event/fundraiser for the library, what kind of event would you value and want to be a part of?

    1. Big Book Sale - Note last event was in conjunction with Makers Market in December.

    2. Donor Event - Birthday event? Highlight ‘teen’ room - Decide on birthday ‘present’

    3. Jackie gave examples of: Back to School event, Halloween event? Perhaps one adult and one family event.

    4. Park Rededication event. Earth Day 2024. Support from county park friends. May Day celebration. Nancy has notes from previous meetings about this.

  3. The proposed process for inviting and approving new LT members was approved. Michele will add it to the orientation document.

    1. The proposal for inviting a new member is made (either directly from the interested person or through an FLF member)

    2. Someone from the exec team contacts the prospective member to talk about the LT and their interest in joining.

      1. If the person is interested, invite them to a meeting (if new).

    3. The contact person checks with them after the meeting to confirm interest.

      1. Contact person sends them the orientation doc to review for more information.

    4. If they confirm interest, take the nomination to the next LT meeting OR propose a vote via email if the person is known to LT

      1. If LT votes at a meeting and the person is at the meeting, they leave the room during the discussion and vote. (or they leave when the meeting is adjourned and the team stays for discussion and vote, then they are notified by a member of the Exec. Team).

  4. Land acknowledgement plaque proposal update-Marilyn

    1. Jackie notes there may be interest system wide. Timothy’s wife is working on a version for the county. Maybe collaboration. UCSC did a webinar on the process.

    2. Jackie to ask the DEI team.

  5. Backpack proposal update-Beth (Hold for next mtg) See notes above on Felton’s staff prep.

  6. Pequot Library annual sale-Timothy

  • Private library - Fairfax Conn library.

  • 63rd year of the book sale; Last week in July.

  • Timothy has worked it for 35 years.

  • Up to $150k. Rare books a unique draw.

  • Civic volunteer groups.

  • Teacher ‘gift certificates’

Next steps

Next meeting is on September 27. Agenda building:

  • Land acknowledgement plaque proposal.Marilyn. Jackie to ask the DEI team.

  • Backpack proposal update-Beth See notes above on Felton’s staff prep.

  • Events--focus on two?

    • Big Book Sale - Note last event was in conjunction with Makers Market in December.

    • Donor Event - Birthday event? Highlight Teen Room - Decide on birthday ‘present’

    • Jackie gave examples of: Back to School event, Halloween event?

    • Park Rededication event. Earth Day 2024. Support from county park friends. May Day celebration. Nancy has notes from previous meetings about this.

  • Follow up on possibility of library-sponsored, FLF funded adult classes/programs (e.e. calligraphy) and youth workshops/performances (e.g. NorCal bats). Nancy/Jackie

  • Follow up on Library card drive at SLVHS and/or SLVMS

  • Any Volunteers for ping pong program, movie matinees for adults, chess club?

  • Meet with SV and BC in October?--invite Amanda to discuss publicizing events?

  • Discussion with staff--follow up items


  • Library card drive at SLVHS and/or SLVMS

  • Volunteers for ping pong program, movie matinees for adults, chess club?

Furnishings and equipment

  • Backpacks for park

  • Land acknowledgement plaque

New items

  • Can we get the list of SCPL planned fall quarter programs for adults--e.g. The calligraphy class?

  • Marc Shargel books in Dondero collection; Local history collection additions


“Libraries matter for the same reason parks matter. Because to blossom, human beings need public spaces that

enable play, freedom and social contact without any ties to consumption.” — Laila Jufresca

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Banner photo by Kristin Vincent. Additional photos throughout the website by Caitliin Atkinson and other contributors.

Felton Library Friends
P.O. Box 1245
Felton, CA  95018
831-427-7716 (messages)

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Felton Library Friends (FLF) is a chapter of the Friends of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

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