Felton Library Friends works toward the following mission:
Identify and support the library, park, and community-led programming and services
Collaborate with community organizations, Santa Cruz Public Libraries, Santa Cruz County Parks, and the San Lorenzo Valley Water District on agreed-upon projects
Advocate for the needs of the library and park
Fundraise for identified needs not covered in library or park operational or capital budgets
Felton Library Friends Meeting Notes
April 28, 2023, 3:30-4:45
Felton Library Community Room
Facilitator: Nancy Notetaker: Valerie Haff
Welcome and introductions.
Nancy, Michele, Val, Phil, Beth, Donna
Opening Question: One word to describe how you’re feeling about spring.
Review agenda. Any additions?
Beth: Radius Gallery @ the Tannery; names of artists for possible programs
Get Out & Explore Backpacks: Currently waitlisted (lengthy list) so we don’t have any here now
Laura Whaleygot the grant to put these together
Currently 8 in the whole SCPL system
Nancy will talk to Laura about getting more
Phil says we have so many park passes right now (no waiting list for those only) - 205 in the system; 36 available
Will include info in the newsletter
Approve last month’s notes
The Library World
Library Advisory Commission Nancy
Grappling with changing structure of who does the HR and bookkeeping/accounting; wanting to double fees (keeping at $500K for a couple years); all library employees work for City of Santa Cruz (even outside of city)
The system and the Felton Branch: Phil
Thank you for cookies and flowers :-)
Staffing: Inter-library transfers; hoping to be able to fill 30-hr. position with someone from another branch/already trained
New umbrellas for the patio arrived
Funded Staff Training Day yesterday - planning programs at the branches, how to get feedback for them, best times, demographics, etc.
Design for downtown mixed-use project is complete; now just applying for the grant from State Library system
Libraries might have Narcan in them
Teen Room - Closet Doors have arrived and will be installed in next two weeks
Teen Room - Shelves ordered (75 days to arrival)
Gavin Newsom’s partner, Jennifer, “First Partner Visit” - was successful at Felton Library; “First Partner’s Summer Reading Club” - childrens’ and teens’ books
Sound Swell Concert - June 24th, 1-5 p.m.
Sound Swell = online database of local musicians
The concert is a Library program
Sound Swell concerts are occurring at other branches too (though Felton will be largest–3 bands)
Working on getting the bands
Geared more toward adults
Highlighting local musicians
Will be in Community Room and patio here at the Library
Possible issues with food/beverage
Future: Would be great to have protocol for opening up back half of parking lot/opening up patio doors outside (or shutting off parking lot for the day)
FSCPL: See written Chapter reports. Branciforte Branch opening 5/13. Michele
Monthly meeting
chapter president and library director and others
Notes sent out as part of the board packet from the friends to keep board informed
FLF Reports
Treasurer’s Report--First quarter 2023. Michele
Access Required for this link: please request https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wHRfBFA7WuaKp2aSQtD-8l_AKyzhgffLO2pJPNFZdh0/edit?usp=sharing
Park Team Nancy
New gravel in the gravel pit (no storm contamination)
Mulch for some plants
Jim/Ralph putting pop-up back up for kids’ area
Wish we could have a team to hire once per month to help with weeding, but not ok w/Parks
Nancy emailed Rotary and waiting to hear
Next fall, might want to pay to redo grass near sun shade/hill (now that sprinklers are fixed)
Improvements team Michele
Teen Room: once bookcases are installed, meet again to discuss furniture and lighting
SV/BC Friends Meeting: Beth
SV operates a bit differently than Felton re: building/facilities access
We’ve offered to lend them storybook walk The Hike
Nancy has “The Hike” in her storage–great to share that elsewhere
Author talk from SV author: For Forks’ Sake
Author talk reports
Train Talk - 60 people here; sold over $600 worth of books
Amah Mutsun talk on land acknowledgment Marilyn
Future discussion about getting a sign put up
Storybook Walk Nancy
Book #1: Wonder Walkers
Video online for how art was produced for this book
Book #2: Water Is Water
Jackie - talk with her to determine whether there are other books she had in mind
Laminating - last year it was Jackie as per agreement; Phil will check to see if she has time to do so again; Michele will share past agreement with Phil
Install first weekend in June at Garden Work Party?
Programming: Nancy/Phil
Define three strands:
1) Community-led Learning: Art, Environmental Sciences, Local History
Val to update Community-Led Learning page on the website to include link to the CLL form and to clarify CLL vs. SCPL Library Program form
2) Programs led by Community volunteers subjects outside the three CLL areas of focus: e.g, juggling, parenting classes
3) library programs for youth and adults
There is now a spreadsheet that lists app potential programs that Phil and Jackie look at regularly on Friday
Honoraria - Guidelines system-wide are that we can offer honoraria, has to be approved, $250/year limit, etc.
Programs: Each branch has different protocol/system for hosting programs (e.g., Felton is the only branch that has CLL)
Have a meeting with Jackie to discuss quarterly planning
Plans for this quarter in each of these three areas
1. Community-led Learning Michele
April: Author talk; tour of Kirby St. facility
5/3 - growing dahlias
5/13 SLV history museum is doing a big exhibit in the community hall down the street and will do some talks here
5/17 Sumi-e class
5/31- floods and the ecology of the river (beneficial floods); Sam Adelson of Coastal Wateshed conservancy; filming
5/27- Sailing talk
2. Programs led by volunteers
Jackie was absent. Phil thinks a juggling class is being arranged
3 Library programs
Jackie was absent. Phil thinks a - Triple P - Power of Positive Parenting is being scheduled (promote at the schools)
Volunteers: what can they do in the library and for FLF? All
Not currently onboarding volunteers yet
Need a new volunteer coordinator
Not currently much needed from volunteers
might be possible to start putting those out
Phil/Jacki - need to discuss/figure out placement (perhaps on low shelves along windows; perhaps low box shelves)
Garden Beds in Patio:
Girl Scouts coming early May and GS will help water/staff to help
Water pump on patio
Hoping to use it this year
Not going to have it on all the time - perhaps Thursdays during/around STEAM program
$22K/year for energy costs at the library currently
Contact Jenny/Jeannie (sp?) (gone on vacation June 1st)
County owns the building
Yolande discussed possibly getting money for all library buildings at once
SV Branch Programs
Trisha Timm: Low turnout at SV
First Five Turnout also low
Library Card Drive at local schools
Recently at SV high
Hoping to get it system-wide
FLF - could support this in the fall along with BC Friends for SLV MS and HS
Next meeting May 26. Agenda building: Report on Marketing meeting-Moana and Val. Programming.